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Spiritual Letter 125 ----------"E-mail Version" ------- About Spiritual Letter 125
Without Outline
Title of Spiritual Letter:                         - Go To "Expanded Title # 01" or "Title # 02"

          "How God" Completes "His What", Using "His Discarded",
            Which In Truth "Is You",
          Is "You" Living On The Illusory "Outside" of You,
            As If You Are "Separate From" God Within You,
            As If You Are "Separate From" Your Brothers & Sisters,
            And As If You Are "Separate From" The Creation of God,
            All of Which is "Just Not True",
          Is "You" As The "Child of Darkness",
            Both Within You,
            And For A Little While On The "Outside" of You".

Time Period Written:  March, 2007
Written by:  Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), who now on the "outside" of you is His Children, if you like
Written toThe Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), who now is everyone living in your age, if you like

Go To "E-mail Version"

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Go To:  Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 125 ------------------------------------ Available
                    "Opening Greetings"
                    "About Spiritual Letter 125"
                    "Expanded Title # 01"
                    "Expanded Title # 02"
Go To:  E-mail Version - for Spiritual Letter 125 ------------------------------- Available
                    Without Outline
                    With Outline
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Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 125
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                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title # 01"
                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title # 02"
Opening Greetings - from Heart to Heart

Bawa.  Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

Bawa.  Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), My dearest loving GrandChildren, Sons and Daughters, and Brothers and Sisters, and all of My Children  - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).  Amen.

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About Spiritual Letter 125
                                                                      - go To "Opening Greetings"
                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title # 01"
                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title # 02"
Bawa.  Here is Page 1 of 1 of the E-mail Version of another beautiful Spiritual Letter,
Spiritual Letter 125", to My dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren), and to My dearest loving sister Habiba (Angela).

Bawa.  Who in truth, like each of My Children, are My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be please with Them, and with Us), if you like, that is, if you look through the eyes of your Shaikh, of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which are the 99 wilayats or powers of God within you, that is, are the 99 beautiful names of God in the Asma'el Husna within you which in truth are the windows of your heart, if you like, through which everything in the 18,000 Universes within you can be seen, and understood, again, if you like, for in truth the Choice is yours, not God's. That is, the Choice whether any of "This Reality of You" happens within you, or not. Amen.. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, a beautiful Spiritual Letter from God within My Children, to all of My Children, which in truth is everyone living in your age, if you like, that is, if your
true intention
for the life within you, that is, for your soul life, for your 6th life, for your Light Life within you, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, is to again become "One with" God within you, before you die to the flesh and get an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, that is, to again become "One with" God within you, but this time with an understanding of "Your Oneness", so it will never leave you again. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, "A True Love Letter" to "Our" dearest loving Son and Daughter
Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Them, and with Us) at the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, if you like. Amen

Bawa.  A beautiful Spiritual Letter which "We" have given the following "Short Title",

          "How God" Completes "His What", Using "His Discarded",
            Which In Truth"Is You",
      Is "You" Living On The Illusory "Outside" of You,
            As If You Are "Separate From" God Within You,
            As If You Are "Separate From" Your Brothers & Sisters,
            And As If You Are "Separate From" The Creation of God,
            All of Which is "Just Not True",
      Is "You" As The "Child of Darkness",
            Both Within You,
            And For A Little While On The "Outside" of You"

Bawa.  And a beautiful Spiritual Letter which "We" have given the following
"Expanded Title" (at least in concept, if not just in words), if you like,

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Expanded Title # 01
of Spiritual Letter 125
                                                                      - go To "Opening Greetings"
                                                                      - go To "About Spiritual Letter 125"
                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title # 02"
                                                                      - go to "Related Material"

"Join In Partnership With "Us" Within You,
And With God Within "Us",
To Realize
"How God" Completes "His What",
Using "His Discarded",
Which In Truth "Is You",
Which Is You Living On The Illusory "Outside" of You,
As If You Are "Separate From" God Within You,
As If You Are "Separate From" Your Brothers & Sisters,
And As If You Are "Separate From" The Creation of God,
All of Which is "Just Not True",
Which In Truth Is "You"
As The "Child of Darkness",
Both Within You,
And For A Little While On The "Outside" of You",
But Within Which Again "Is You",
But This Time,
As The "Child of Light" Within You,
Just Waiting To Be Revealed Within You,
By God Within You,
If You Like,
If You Will Only Join God
In What God Is Already Doing Within You,
Which Is Revealing God To God Within You,
For The Benefit of All of The Creation of God Within You.
Amen. Ok?"

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                                                                      - go to "Main Go To"
Expanded Title # 02
of Spiritual Letter 125
                                                                      - go To "Opening Greetings"
                                                                      - go To "About Spiritual Letter 125"
                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title # 01"
                                                                      - go to "Related Material"

"Join In Partnership With "Us" Within You
And With God Within "Us",
To Realize That In Truth
If You Keep Handing
The "Problem Of You" To God Within You,
Day In And Day Out, Each Moment Of Your Life,
Until Your Last Breath,
The Problem Of "You"
Living A Life Of "Separation And Differences"
On The Illusory "Outside" Of You,
As Being In Truth
"God's Problem", Not "Your Problem",
Day In And Day Out, Each Moment Of Your Life,
Until Your Last Breath,
In This Way Affirming The Truth of You,
And The Truth of God Within You,
That In Truth "You Don't Exist",
That In Truth "It Is God Who Exists",
Then God Will Do "Everything Else",
To Cure Himself of "you"
To Cure Himself of "himself",
To Make Your Life Truly Successful In Your Lifetime,
Transforming All Of "Your Preferences" Into "No Preferences",
All Of "Your Desires" Into "No Desires",
All Of "Your Attachments" Into "No Attachments",
In This Way,
Truly Satisfying Your Hunger
Of Your Karma, Avarice, Desire And Attachments,
And In This Way,
Establishing The "Prerequisites Of Iman-Islam" Within You,
Of A "Perfectly Pure Heart" Within You,
Of Sabur, Shukur, Tawwakul Allah, And Al-Hamdu lillah Within You,
That Is For Sure. Amen.
May You Know This Now Without The Slightest Doubt,
And Start To Act Accordingly,
Start To Act As "One With" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(May God Be Pleased With Him, And With Us)
On The "Outside" Of You,
For The Benefit Of All Of All Your Brothers And Sisters,
In This Way, Passing Judgment Upon Them
With "These Words" Of God For Your Age,
As This Child Has Now Learned To Do,
And Offering Them Salvation For Your Age,
Which Is To "Imbibe Their Shaikh" Within Them,
As You Are Now Learning To Do,
So God Can Do The Same
So God Can Start To Act
As "One With" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(May God Be Pleased With Him)
Within You,
For The Benefit Of All Of The Creation Of God Within You,
So In The End,
"No Child Is Left Behind",
So In The End,
There Is Nothing Still "Separation God" From God Within You,
So In The End,
You Have "Saved God" Within You,
As In Truth God Has Already "Saved You" Within Him,
If You Like,
For In Truth The Choice Is Yours, Not God's,
And "We" Will Continue To Do The Same.
Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  A Spiritual Letter from God within us all, to the Children of God for this age, which continues to "outline" for you what most of My Children are currently doing wrong, and how to correct their mistake using My Children, that is, using Those of
My Children
who have truly learned from "Us" how to do it right, so in the end, there will be "No Child Left Behind" within you, that is, there will be nothing still "separating God" from God within you.

Bawa.  May God all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all
of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of
My Children
.  Amen.

Bawa. My love you - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

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                                                                      - go to "Related Spiritual Letters"
Related Material - to Spiritual Letter 125

Bawa.  For more on these wisdom points, and the significance of this Spiritual Letter to all of My Children, please click on the Title of the Following Material that is also provided as part of the On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (www.Bawa.homestead.
com), both as Related Spiritual Chats (, followed by Related Spiritual Letters ( all of which is from God within "Us" all, to the Children of God for your age, if you like:

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                                                                      - go to "Related Spiritual Letters"
Related Spiritual Chats: [Home Page (]

Spiritual Chat 412 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 409 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 404 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 392 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 383 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Chat 369 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Chat 368 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Chat 367 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 366 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 362 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 360 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 359 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 358 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 349 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 347 - E-mail Version

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                                                                      - go to "Related Spiritual Chats"
                                                                      - go to "E-mail Version"
Related Spiritual Letters: [Home Page (]

Spiritual Letter 124 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Letter 123 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Letter 122 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 121 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 120 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 119 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 118 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 117 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 116 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 115 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 114 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 113 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 112 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 111 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 110 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 109 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 108 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 107 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 106 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 105 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 104 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 103 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 102 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 101 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 100 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 99 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 98 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 97 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 96 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 95 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 94 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 93 - E-mail Version
          Expanded Introduction - for Spiritual Letter 93
Spiritual Letter 92 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 91 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 90 - E-mail Version
          Opening Comments - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (With a New Expanded Version of Opening Comments, and
                    with an "Outline & Summary")
          Related Material - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (With a New Introduction, that is,
                    with a New Summary of Spiritual Letter 90)
          More About Controlling Your Thoughts - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (Plus some Background Information about
                    the New Book "A Book of Our Love" by "The Children",
                    that Bawa Instructed Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Rick Hacket)
                    and Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) to start to write together)

Bawa.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of
My Children.  May God help all of My ChildrenMay God be pleased with all of My Children. Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).

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E-mail Version - of Spiritual Letter 125 (Without Outline)

1.  Opening Greetings - My love you

Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.

Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluh. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children. May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), and all of My
Children - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

Bawa. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, for the wonderful sharing that "We" had last night, at the feet of God for "Our" age, and for "Our" life (see "Spiritual Chat 412", which in truth is the "One Life" of God for "Our" Age, which is the "Light Child" within the "Dark Child" within the heart of you and My Children, just waiting to come out, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within "Us", and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, if you like. Amen.

Bawa. What a wonder is this God of "Ours" that He would move "Us" forward on the "Path of God" within "Us" in this way. Amen.  "We" are all truly blessed. Amen. 

Bawa.  May "We" never forget this truth and this blessing and this sharing, with each breath, with each look, with each word, with each taste, and with each thought, until our last breath, until our last look, until our last word, until our last taste, and until our last thought, for if you do, if you keep the "Gift of This Sharing" in front of you at all times, as you walk through your day, through your life, through your life of arrogance, karma, and illusion, mind and desire, handing "everything that you experience" to God within you.

Bawa. That is, after saying the word "Bawa", after reflecting upon what you have experienced briefly, and then, "Be done with it", saying to God within you, without any fear, without any reservation or coercion, "Thank You O God, No Thank You O God, What's Next?", realizing that in truth, without the slightest doubt, that in truth, "You do not exist", that in truth, "Only God exists", then in truth God will most certainly "Do Everything Else" to make your life, and the life of My Children, truly successful in your lifetime.

Bawa. For this is "God's Promise", this is "God's Guarantee" for your age and for your life, that if "You are not there", then "God is there", to tell and bring to Completion His Story within you, which in truth is "Your Story" within "God's Story" within you, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within God within you, a Story that God is just waiting to tell and bring to Completion within You within Him, if you will only let Him, if you will only join Him, by putting down, right now, immediately, this very moment, forever, with no turning back, "your story" and "your presence" and "your intention" and "your duty" and "your history" on the illusory "outside" of you.

Bawa.  And this is the truth of You and of God within You, the truth of My Children and of God within My Children, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to use your life in this way or not, that is, as How God completes His What, within God within you, using as How God tells and brings to Completion His Story within Him within you, as How God reveals God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, as "We" experienced last night. Ok?

Bawa. And How God does all of this, is by you accepting Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) on the "outside" of you as now God on the "outside" of you, for your age, and for your life, and by you Starting to treat him accordingly, that is, by Starting to live at his feet, making his life your life, making his words your words, making his work your work, making his happiness and sadness your happiness and sadness, making his success and failure your success and failure, making his fun and stress your fun and stress, making his likes and dislikes your likes and dislikes, making his understanding your understanding, making his struggle your struggle, making his God your God, making his practices your practices.

Bawa. And in this way, making his life your life, and in the process giving up your life as "separate from" him, and as "separate from" what he is now "One with", which in truth is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and God within Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, which in truth is the Triple Flame of God within you, as "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple" within you, which in truth is how God reveals God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of My Children, which has now become for you, if you like, "My Children".

Bawa.  Which is now you, if you like, all of your brothers and sisters, My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with You, and with Us). Amen. Ok?

Bawa. Please do it like this, please live your life on the "outside" of you in this way, so you too can become Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), both within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters sill on the "outside" of you. 

Bawa. And in this way, allow God within you to finish what God has already started within you, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, in this way, bringing all of the Creation of God within God within you to Judgment, right now before you die to the flesh, right now before you die to the "outside" of you, right now before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children and harvests you as "his crop", as "his property", and drags you yelling and screaming off to an eternal hell within you, as "separate from" God within you, because you have not done this, that is, because you have not allowed God within you to use you in this way.

Bawa.  That is, because you have not allowed God within you to grow and harvest You as "His Crop", as "His Property", and take You back into Himself as "His Child", before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" emerges and has his way with you, because you have now allowed God to transform you into "His Understanding", that is, by joining with God within you to fall back into the Ocean of God's Grace, Wisdom, and Ilm within Him within you, from which You have come, having completed your duty and returned, with you no longer existing as "separate from" God within you, with you then sharing "This Understanding" with God for eternity.  Amen.

Bawa. For the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to use your life in this way, or not, not "Our Choice" within you, and not "God's Choice" within "Us", all of which is now Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, that is, the Choice to let God use you as "His How", to accomplish "His What", using "His Discarded", while you still can.

Bawa. That is, the Choice for you to join with God within you to make the "Correct Choice" for your life, and for all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while for your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" emerges and has his way with you, that is, before you fail to take advantage in your lifetime of the "Extraordinary Process" that God has placed within Him within  you, and within each of My Children, which in truth is now everyone living in your age, if you like.

Bawa.  This "Extraordinary Process" of you joining in partnership with God on the "outside" of you to become the Triple Flame of God within God within you, like the "extraordinary process" of an apple seed buried within the earth realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining as "One with" the truth of itself, that naturally emerges from within it, when it is both ready to hear it, and ready to either accept or reject it, that is, the truth that it is an "apple seed" buried within the earth.

Bawa.  And the truth hidden within it, that is, the truth that the "apple tree" hidden within it, is again the apple seed, but this time hidden within the apple fruits, but this time a 1000 fold, that is, if the apple seed with willingly and freely let its life as an apple seed buried within the earth End, and join as "One with" the earth to germinate, to germinate to this truth, letting the apple tree Begin, that is, if it will let the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within it, that is, if the apple seed buried within the earth will join as "One with" the earth to reveal "the apple tree" growing in the earth, so the apple tree can become the apple tree, that is, its tap root, its trunk, its branches, its leaves, its fruits, and the sweet taste within that fruit, and again the "apple seed". Ok?

Bawa. For like all apple seeds buried within the earth, not all people as in truth the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God germinate to the truth hidden within you, hidden by God within you, just waiting to germinate, just waiting to let the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within you, just waiting to let God reveal and Complete God's Story, within God within you, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within God within you. Ok?

Bawa. Instead, some people rot in your mind and desire, eventually dying to the "outside" of you, taking on 105 million rebirths, but ever again taking on your current exalted birth, that is, never again as the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within God within you, and as such, never again as "God Happening" within the Creation of God within God within you, and within that, never again as "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within you.

Bawa. That is, never again as the "Tree of God" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within God within you, and as such, never again as "True Man Happening" within "God Happening" within the Creation of God within God within you, so in the End, "No Child Is Left Behind", so in the End, there is nothing still "separating God" from God within You.

Bawa. And never again as the "Sweet Taste of That Fruit", which is the Din or Deen within the Din or Deen, or the Understanding of the Din or Deen, that allows God to answer His Question, asked of God in Anathi, in the time before the Beginningless Beginning, the Question, "Who am I?", so in the End, there is "No Child Left Behind", so in the End, there is nothing still "separating God" from God, within God within you, and within that Sweet Taste again the Seed, again the "Seed of God" ready to buried again within the Creation of God, but this time a 1000 Fold.

Bawa. But never again as the Story of God within the Story of True Man, and within That, as the Story of True Man within the Story of God, never again as the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", a Story that you, and each of My Children, have come to this earth world within you, to join as "One with" God within the Creation of God within God within you, to tell, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's. Amen.

Bawa. But instead, if you lose this opportunity, hell will become your fate, that is, an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, will become your eternal reward, that is, you will have missed the opportunity to take advantage of this "Extraordinary Process" within God within you.

Bawa. That is, for you and My Children to join with God on the "outside" of you, which in truth is now, for your age and for your life, is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) on the "outside" of you, to truly become "One with" the Triple Flame of God within God within you, to become "One with" God, the Guru and the True Disciple, as the Witness, as the Understanding of God, as God reveals God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, in your lifetime, if you like, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of My Children, as you are now truly experiencing, if you like.

Bawa. So don't miss this opportunity Grasshopper, and join with Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) on the "outside" of you to become Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and as "One with" God and the True Disciple within Him within you, as the Triple Flame of God within God within you, and then God will do "Everything Else" to make your life truly successful in your lifetime.

Bawa. And in this way, and only in this way, End all of your silliness on the "outside" of you, and within you, and at the same time, Start to establish the Exaltedness of Your Life within you, and for a little while the Exaltedness of Your Life on the "outside" of you, for as "We" taught you when "We" were living in the world,

          "You cannot put something down unless you are also picking something else


          "Nothing will ever truly leave you until it is Understood, for in truth that is the
          purpose for it being there in the first place, for Understanding to occur".


          "For the "Child of Darkness" to leave you the "Child of Light" must be coming
          forward from within you, from within the "Child of Darkness" within you, so as they
          pass, like two ships passing in the night, in the "night of your life", one leaving
          and the other coming forward, wisdom can extract "The Understanding of God"
          from the Contrast, an Understanding that has no Contrast, because God has no
          Contrast. Such is the true Exaltedness of Your life, and within that Exaltedness
          is God.  Amen"

Bawa. Such is the true "Exaltedness of Your Life", My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with You, and with Us), when "you" as "separate from" leaves, as "You" as "One with" comes Forward, and within that is God, all of which has absolutely nothing to do with what you and My Children are currently doing on the "outside" of you, with your current life of "separation and differences", on the illusory "outside" of you.

Bawa. For in truth, one is the flower of hell within you, with the fragrance and taste of hell within you, and the Other is the Flower of God within God within you, with the Fragrance and Taste of God within God within you.

Bawa.  And the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice of which Flower you let grow within you, for one is nourishing the lives of darkness and evil within you, which is your current state, which is the current "Child of Darkness" within you, and the Other is nourishing all of the Lives of God "Within God" within you, which is the "Child of Light" which can grow within God within you, if you like, that is, if you truly join in partnership with God within you, to grow the "Child of Light" within God within you, that is, if you first join as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) on the "outside" of you, to become Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and in this way, become "One with" God within Him, and with the True Disciple or True Man within God. Ok?.

Bawa.  For in truth, one is the flower of hell that has grown within you in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, like weeds growing in God's Flower Garden, gradually pushing out everything of true value, replacing it with the "Glitters of darkness", with the dream of illusion on the "outside" of you, and with the "very real but false" current inside of you, which are all of the lives of darkness and evil that have grown within you, and that now rule over you as the 9 openings of your elemental body, as the co-operative store of the 5 elemental ruhanies or spirits within you, for their profit, not yours.

Bawa. And the Other is the "Great Potential of God" within you, is the 'Extraordinary Process" that can occur within you, when "you" are truly done with your current state, not because you want the next state within you, but rather because now you are ready, now you are ready to both hear and to either accept or reject the truth of you, and the truth of God within you.

Bawa.  That is, for you to either join with God within you or not, to let God finish what God has started within you, or not, that is, to join with God within the Creation of God within you, which is what Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) represents now for you and My Children, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to let God within you, plow "you" under with the Enlightening Words of the Qutbiyyat, and plant the "Seed of Allahu" within you, watering it with "La illaha Ill Allahu Muhammadar Rasul Allah", with the Tap Root of the Tree of God within you becoming "La illaha Ill Allahu" and the Tree of God within you becoming
"Muhammadar Rasul Allah".

Bawa. That is, becoming "God's Tree" within you, if you like, with the Trunk of Iman, with the Branches of the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God, and with the Fruits of the "Pearl of Wisdom" of God for your age, and for your life, which in truth are the 6,666 verses of the Holy Qur'an, both within you, and for a little while again on the "outside" of you, if you like. Amen.

Bawa.  And the Choice is yours, not God's. Amen.

Bawa. Or instead, for you and My Children to keep trying to do 'business as usual" on the illusory "outside" of you, trying to somehow connect the two, that is, to connect the "Child of Darkness" and the "Child of Light", so you and My Children somehow don't have to give up the "Child of Darkness", and his illusory life of sin, of selfishness, of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of you, all of which "Will Never Work", and all of which in truth is just "Saying No" to God, No to what God is, within you, No to what God is doing, within God within you, No to why God created you, No to the truth of you and to the truth of God within you, and No to why God created everyone and everything in the 18,000 universes, both within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you.

Bawa. That is, to try and connect the "Child of Darkness", which has to leave, with the "Child of Light" which has to Come Forward, that is, to Come Forward from within the "Child of Darkness" within you, like a apple seed dying so the apple tree can live.

Bawa.  That is, with you and My Children trying to save the "Child Darkness" by giving the "Child of Darkness" something to do, for example, like something better to do, anything, rather than leave, all of which is just a reflection of your ignorance and your arrogance about your ignorance, that is, of your ignorance and your arrogance about "you", that is, about "Who you are?", and about "Where you are", and about "What is happening" in your life, all of which as you currently let it be defined for you, through your mind and desire, is "Just Not True".

Bawa.  For in truth you are all about God within you, and about what is "Within God" within you, and all about what "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing the "Child of Light" within the "Child of Darkness", so Understanding can occur, through Contrast, and as that Understanding, You can return to God, from whom You have Come. Ok?

Bawa.  In this way, the whole point of your life, and of the Child of Darkness that has now grown within you, and now lives as you, as "separate from" on the illusory "outside" of you, and about the "Child of Light" hidden within the "Child of Darkness", is not about you, but rather is about You, that is, about God within you, and "Who God is" within you, and "Where God is" within you, and "What God is doing", with what is "Within God" within you, and this is the whole point of you, and of the Child of Darkness, and the "Child of Light" within the Child of Darkness, which is Your Exaltedness, and God within Your Exaltedness. Ok?

Bawa.  So you giving the "Child of Darkness" something to do, so the "Child of Darkness" won't have to leave, is missing the whole point of Everything, not helping the "Child of Darkness" or helping anyone else, for Example, like getting the "Child of Darkness to become good, or do prayers, or do duty, or become wise, or become a mother or father, or raise a family, or help manage a fellowship, or publish books, or have an important job, or help people, or help children, or help the environment, or help the whales, or endangered species, or the poor, or the homeless, or people who are sick, or lonely, or unhappy, or afraid, or anything, all of which is truly of "No Value", no value to you, no value to the "Child of Darkness", and of no value to anyone or anything, and that is the truth.

Bawa.  For in truth You are the Spring of God's Grace that if just waiting to be opened by standing in "God's Presence", a "Presence" and a "Grace", and within that, a Wisdom, and an Ilm, or a Divine Knowledge, which will cure everyone and everything of all that is wrong with them, not only in this world, but in all of the 18,000 universes, for eternity, and which in truth will "Save God" within you, so in the End, "No Child Is Left Behind", that in the End, there is nothing still "separating God" from God within you, so in the End, God gets to Complete what He started within you, a very, very long time ago, God gets to Finish telling and bringing to Completion the Story of God within You.

Bawa. That is, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within You, God gets to reveal God to God within You, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within You, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, including your wife, and your children, and your students, and your family, and your friends, and someday, your GrandChildren, and your Great GrandChildren, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, which is truth is Everyone and Everything within God within You. Ok?

Bawa. May God grant you and My Children the Grace, Wisdom, and Ilm, to do it like this, for you, for your wife, and daughter, and son, and for this child, and for the wife, daughters, sons, husbands, and grandchildren of this child, and for the all of the wives, husbands, sons, daughters, grandchildren, and Great GrandChildren of all of your brothers and sisters of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, in America, in Canada, in South America, in Europe, in England, in the Middle East, in the Far East, in Australia, and in New Zealand, and in the North and South Pole, and in the 18,000 Universes. Amen.

Bawa. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children. May God be pleased with all of My Children. Amen.

Bawa. Please give "Our" love and salams to all of My Children. Please tell them that
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) loves them very, very much, and that they are always in "Our" prayers. Amen.

Bawa. And as always, please join as "One with" Us within you, and as "One with" God within "Us", to share this sharing with them, and "We" will do the same. Amen.

Bawa. My love you - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

End of "Page 1 of 1" of
Spiritual Letter 125
- E-mail Version -

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Spiritual Letter 125 ----------"E-mail Version" ------- About Spiritual Letter 125
Without Outline
Title of Spiritual Letter:                         - Go To "Expanded Title # 01" or "Title # 02"

          "How God" Completes "His What", Using "His Discarded",
            Which In Truth "Is You",
          Is "You" Living On The Illusory "Outside" of You,
            As If You Are "Separate From" God Within You,
            As If You Are "Separate From" Your Brothers & Sisters,
            And As If You Are "Separate From" The Creation of God,
            All of Which is "Just Not True",
          Is "You" As The "Child of Darkness",
            Both Within You,
            And For A Little While On The "Outside" of You".

Time Period Written:  March, 2007
Written by:  Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), who now on the "outside" of you is His Children, if you like
Written toThe Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), who now is everyone living in your age, if you like

Go To "E-mail Version"

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                    "Expanded Title # 01"
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Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 125
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                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title # 02"
Opening Greetings - from Heart to Heart

Bawa.  Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

Bawa.  Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), My dearest loving GrandChildren, Sons and Daughters, and Brothers and Sisters, and all of My Children  - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).  Amen.

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About Spiritual Letter 125
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                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title # 01"
                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title # 02"
Bawa.  Here is Page 1 of 1 of the E-mail Version of another beautiful Spiritual Letter,
Spiritual Letter 125", to My dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren), and to My dearest loving sister Habiba (Angela).

Bawa.  Who in truth, like each of My Children, are My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be please with Them, and with Us), if you like, that is, if you look through the eyes of your Shaikh, of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which are the 99 wilayats or powers of God within you, that is, are the 99 beautiful names of God in the Asma'el Husna within you which in truth are the windows of your heart, if you like, through which everything in the 18,000 Universes within you can be seen, and understood, again, if you like, for in truth the Choice is yours, not God's. That is, the Choice whether any of "This Reality of You" happens within you, or not. Amen.. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, a beautiful Spiritual Letter from God within My Children, to all of My Children, which in truth is everyone living in your age, if you like, that is, if your
true intention
for the life within you, that is, for your soul life, for your 6th life, for your Light Life within you, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, is to again become "One with" God within you, before you die to the flesh and get an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, that is, to again become "One with" God within you, but this time with an understanding of "Your Oneness", so it will never leave you again. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, "A True Love Letter" to "Our" dearest loving Son and Daughter
Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Them, and with Us) at the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, if you like. Amen

Bawa.  A beautiful Spiritual Letter which "We" have given the following "Short Title",

          "How God" Completes "His What", Using "His Discarded",
            Which In Truth"Is You",
      Is "You" Living On The Illusory "Outside" of You,
            As If You Are "Separate From" God Within You,
            As If You Are "Separate From" Your Brothers & Sisters,
            And As If You Are "Separate From" The Creation of God,
            All of Which is "Just Not True",
      Is "You" As The "Child of Darkness",
            Both Within You,
            And For A Little While On The "Outside" of You"

Bawa.  And a beautiful Spiritual Letter which "We" have given the following
"Expanded Title" (at least in concept, if not just in words), if you like,

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Expanded Title # 01
of Spiritual Letter 125
                                                                      - go To "Opening Greetings"
                                                                      - go To "About Spiritual Letter 125"
                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title # 02"
                                                                      - go to "Related Material"

"Join In Partnership With "Us" Within You,
And With God Within "Us",
To Realize
"How God" Completes "His What",
Using "His Discarded",
Which In Truth "Is You",
Which Is You Living On The Illusory "Outside" of You,
As If You Are "Separate From" God Within You,
As If You Are "Separate From" Your Brothers & Sisters,
And As If You Are "Separate From" The Creation of God,
All of Which is "Just Not True",
Which In Truth Is "You"
As The "Child of Darkness",
Both Within You,
And For A Little While On The "Outside" of You",
But Within Which Again "Is You",
But This Time,
As The "Child of Light" Within You,
Just Waiting To Be Revealed Within You,
By God Within You,
If You Like,
If You Will Only Join God
In What God Is Already Doing Within You,
Which Is Revealing God To God Within You,
For The Benefit of All of The Creation of God Within You.
Amen. Ok?"

                                                                      - go to Top of Page
                                                                      - go to "Main Go To"
Expanded Title # 02
of Spiritual Letter 125
                                                                      - go To "Opening Greetings"
                                                                      - go To "About Spiritual Letter 125"
                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title # 01"
                                                                      - go to "Related Material"

"Join In Partnership With "Us" Within You
And With God Within "Us",
To Realize That In Truth
If You Keep Handing
The "Problem Of You" To God Within You,
Day In And Day Out, Each Moment Of Your Life,
Until Your Last Breath,
The Problem Of "You"
Living A Life Of "Separation And Differences"
On The Illusory "Outside" Of You,
As Being In Truth
"God's Problem", Not "Your Problem",
Day In And Day Out, Each Moment Of Your Life,
Until Your Last Breath,
In This Way Affirming The Truth of You,
And The Truth of God Within You,
That In Truth "You Don't Exist",
That In Truth "It Is God Who Exists",
Then God Will Do "Everything Else",
To Cure Himself of "you"
To Cure Himself of "himself",
To Make Your Life Truly Successful In Your Lifetime,
Transforming All Of "Your Preferences" Into "No Preferences",
All Of "Your Desires" Into "No Desires",
All Of "Your Attachments" Into "No Attachments",
In This Way,
Truly Satisfying Your Hunger
Of Your Karma, Avarice, Desire And Attachments,
And In This Way,
Establishing The "Prerequisites Of Iman-Islam" Within You,
Of A "Perfectly Pure Heart" Within You,
Of Sabur, Shukur, Tawwakul Allah, And Al-Hamdu lillah Within You,
That Is For Sure. Amen.
May You Know This Now Without The Slightest Doubt,
And Start To Act Accordingly,
Start To Act As "One With" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(May God Be Pleased With Him, And With Us)
On The "Outside" Of You,
For The Benefit Of All Of All Your Brothers And Sisters,
In This Way, Passing Judgment Upon Them
With "These Words" Of God For Your Age,
As This Child Has Now Learned To Do,
And Offering Them Salvation For Your Age,
Which Is To "Imbibe Their Shaikh" Within Them,
As You Are Now Learning To Do,
So God Can Do The Same
So God Can Start To Act
As "One With" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(May God Be Pleased With Him)
Within You,
For The Benefit Of All Of The Creation Of God Within You,
So In The End,
"No Child Is Left Behind",
So In The End,
There Is Nothing Still "Separation God" From God Within You,
So In The End,
You Have "Saved God" Within You,
As In Truth God Has Already "Saved You" Within Him,
If You Like,
For In Truth The Choice Is Yours, Not God's,
And "We" Will Continue To Do The Same.
Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  A Spiritual Letter from God within us all, to the Children of God for this age, which continues to "outline" for you what most of My Children are currently doing wrong, and how to correct their mistake using My Children, that is, using Those of
My Children
who have truly learned from "Us" how to do it right, so in the end, there will be "No Child Left Behind" within you, that is, there will be nothing still "separating God" from God within you.

Bawa.  May God all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all
of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of
My Children
.  Amen.

Bawa. My love you - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

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                                                                      - go to "Related Spiritual Letters"
Related Material - to Spiritual Letter 125

Bawa.  For more on these wisdom points, and the significance of this Spiritual Letter to all of My Children, please click on the Title of the Following Material that is also provided as part of the On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (www.Bawa.homestead.
com), both as Related Spiritual Chats (, followed by Related Spiritual Letters ( all of which is from God within "Us" all, to the Children of God for your age, if you like:

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                                                                      - go to "Related Spiritual Letters"
Related Spiritual Chats: [Home Page (]

Spiritual Chat 412 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 409 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 404 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 392 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 383 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Chat 369 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Chat 368 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Chat 367 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 366 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 362 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 360 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 359 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 358 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 349 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 347 - E-mail Version

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                                                                      - go to "Related Spiritual Chats"
                                                                      - go to "E-mail Version"
Related Spiritual Letters: [Home Page (]

Spiritual Letter 124 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Letter 123 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Letter 122 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 121 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 120 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 119 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 118 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 117 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 116 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 115 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 114 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 113 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 112 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 111 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 110 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 109 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 108 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 107 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 106 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 105 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 104 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 103 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 102 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 101 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 100 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 99 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 98 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 97 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 96 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 95 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 94 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 93 - E-mail Version
          Expanded Introduction - for Spiritual Letter 93
Spiritual Letter 92 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 91 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 90 - E-mail Version
          Opening Comments - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (With a New Expanded Version of Opening Comments, and
                    with an "Outline & Summary")
          Related Material - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (With a New Introduction, that is,
                    with a New Summary of Spiritual Letter 90)
          More About Controlling Your Thoughts - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (Plus some Background Information about
                    the New Book "A Book of Our Love" by "The Children",
                    that Bawa Instructed Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Rick Hacket)
                    and Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) to start to write together)

Bawa.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of
My Children.  May God help all of My ChildrenMay God be pleased with all of My Children. Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).

                                                                      - go to Top of Page
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E-mail Version - of Spiritual Letter 125 (Without Outline)

1.  Opening Greetings - My love you

Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.

Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluh. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children. May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), and all of My
Children - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

Bawa. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, for the wonderful sharing that "We" had last night, at the feet of God for "Our" age, and for "Our" life (see "Spiritual Chat 412", which in truth is the "One Life" of God for "Our" Age, which is the "Light Child" within the "Dark Child" within the heart of you and My Children, just waiting to come out, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within "Us", and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, if you like. Amen.

Bawa. What a wonder is this God of "Ours" that He would move "Us" forward on the "Path of God" within "Us" in this way. Amen.  "We" are all truly blessed. Amen. 

Bawa.  May "We" never forget this truth and this blessing and this sharing, with each breath, with each look, with each word, with each taste, and with each thought, until our last breath, until our last look, until our last word, until our last taste, and until our last thought, for if you do, if you keep the "Gift of This Sharing" in front of you at all times, as you walk through your day, through your life, through your life of arrogance, karma, and illusion, mind and desire, handing "everything that you experience" to God within you.

Bawa. That is, after saying the word "Bawa", after reflecting upon what you have experienced briefly, and then, "Be done with it", saying to God within you, without any fear, without any reservation or coercion, "Thank You O God, No Thank You O God, What's Next?", realizing that in truth, without the slightest doubt, that in truth, "You do not exist", that in truth, "Only God exists", then in truth God will most certainly "Do Everything Else" to make your life, and the life of My Children, truly successful in your lifetime.

Bawa. For this is "God's Promise", this is "God's Guarantee" for your age and for your life, that if "You are not there", then "God is there", to tell and bring to Completion His Story within you, which in truth is "Your Story" within "God's Story" within you, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within God within you, a Story that God is just waiting to tell and bring to Completion within You within Him, if you will only let Him, if you will only join Him, by putting down, right now, immediately, this very moment, forever, with no turning back, "your story" and "your presence" and "your intention" and "your duty" and "your history" on the illusory "outside" of you.

Bawa.  And this is the truth of You and of God within You, the truth of My Children and of God within My Children, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to use your life in this way or not, that is, as How God completes His What, within God within you, using as How God tells and brings to Completion His Story within Him within you, as How God reveals God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, as "We" experienced last night. Ok?

Bawa. And How God does all of this, is by you accepting Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) on the "outside" of you as now God on the "outside" of you, for your age, and for your life, and by you Starting to treat him accordingly, that is, by Starting to live at his feet, making his life your life, making his words your words, making his work your work, making his happiness and sadness your happiness and sadness, making his success and failure your success and failure, making his fun and stress your fun and stress, making his likes and dislikes your likes and dislikes, making his understanding your understanding, making his struggle your struggle, making his God your God, making his practices your practices.

Bawa. And in this way, making his life your life, and in the process giving up your life as "separate from" him, and as "separate from" what he is now "One with", which in truth is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and God within Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, which in truth is the Triple Flame of God within you, as "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple" within you, which in truth is how God reveals God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of My Children, which has now become for you, if you like, "My Children".

Bawa.  Which is now you, if you like, all of your brothers and sisters, My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with You, and with Us). Amen. Ok?

Bawa. Please do it like this, please live your life on the "outside" of you in this way, so you too can become Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), both within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters sill on the "outside" of you. 

Bawa. And in this way, allow God within you to finish what God has already started within you, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, in this way, bringing all of the Creation of God within God within you to Judgment, right now before you die to the flesh, right now before you die to the "outside" of you, right now before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children and harvests you as "his crop", as "his property", and drags you yelling and screaming off to an eternal hell within you, as "separate from" God within you, because you have not done this, that is, because you have not allowed God within you to use you in this way.

Bawa.  That is, because you have not allowed God within you to grow and harvest You as "His Crop", as "His Property", and take You back into Himself as "His Child", before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" emerges and has his way with you, because you have now allowed God to transform you into "His Understanding", that is, by joining with God within you to fall back into the Ocean of God's Grace, Wisdom, and Ilm within Him within you, from which You have come, having completed your duty and returned, with you no longer existing as "separate from" God within you, with you then sharing "This Understanding" with God for eternity.  Amen.

Bawa. For the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to use your life in this way, or not, not "Our Choice" within you, and not "God's Choice" within "Us", all of which is now Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, that is, the Choice to let God use you as "His How", to accomplish "His What", using "His Discarded", while you still can.

Bawa. That is, the Choice for you to join with God within you to make the "Correct Choice" for your life, and for all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while for your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" emerges and has his way with you, that is, before you fail to take advantage in your lifetime of the "Extraordinary Process" that God has placed within Him within  you, and within each of My Children, which in truth is now everyone living in your age, if you like.

Bawa.  This "Extraordinary Process" of you joining in partnership with God on the "outside" of you to become the Triple Flame of God within God within you, like the "extraordinary process" of an apple seed buried within the earth realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining as "One with" the truth of itself, that naturally emerges from within it, when it is both ready to hear it, and ready to either accept or reject it, that is, the truth that it is an "apple seed" buried within the earth.

Bawa.  And the truth hidden within it, that is, the truth that the "apple tree" hidden within it, is again the apple seed, but this time hidden within the apple fruits, but this time a 1000 fold, that is, if the apple seed with willingly and freely let its life as an apple seed buried within the earth End, and join as "One with" the earth to germinate, to germinate to this truth, letting the apple tree Begin, that is, if it will let the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within it, that is, if the apple seed buried within the earth will join as "One with" the earth to reveal "the apple tree" growing in the earth, so the apple tree can become the apple tree, that is, its tap root, its trunk, its branches, its leaves, its fruits, and the sweet taste within that fruit, and again the "apple seed". Ok?

Bawa. For like all apple seeds buried within the earth, not all people as in truth the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God germinate to the truth hidden within you, hidden by God within you, just waiting to germinate, just waiting to let the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within you, just waiting to let God reveal and Complete God's Story, within God within you, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within God within you. Ok?

Bawa. Instead, some people rot in your mind and desire, eventually dying to the "outside" of you, taking on 105 million rebirths, but ever again taking on your current exalted birth, that is, never again as the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within God within you, and as such, never again as "God Happening" within the Creation of God within God within you, and within that, never again as "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within you.

Bawa. That is, never again as the "Tree of God" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within God within you, and as such, never again as "True Man Happening" within "God Happening" within the Creation of God within God within you, so in the End, "No Child Is Left Behind", so in the End, there is nothing still "separating God" from God within You.

Bawa. And never again as the "Sweet Taste of That Fruit", which is the Din or Deen within the Din or Deen, or the Understanding of the Din or Deen, that allows God to answer His Question, asked of God in Anathi, in the time before the Beginningless Beginning, the Question, "Who am I?", so in the End, there is "No Child Left Behind", so in the End, there is nothing still "separating God" from God, within God within you, and within that Sweet Taste again the Seed, again the "Seed of God" ready to buried again within the Creation of God, but this time a 1000 Fold.

Bawa. But never again as the Story of God within the Story of True Man, and within That, as the Story of True Man within the Story of God, never again as the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", a Story that you, and each of My Children, have come to this earth world within you, to join as "One with" God within the Creation of God within God within you, to tell, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's. Amen.

Bawa. But instead, if you lose this opportunity, hell will become your fate, that is, an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, will become your eternal reward, that is, you will have missed the opportunity to take advantage of this "Extraordinary Process" within God within you.

Bawa. That is, for you and My Children to join with God on the "outside" of you, which in truth is now, for your age and for your life, is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) on the "outside" of you, to truly become "One with" the Triple Flame of God within God within you, to become "One with" God, the Guru and the True Disciple, as the Witness, as the Understanding of God, as God reveals God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, in your lifetime, if you like, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of My Children, as you are now truly experiencing, if you like.

Bawa. So don't miss this opportunity Grasshopper, and join with Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) on the "outside" of you to become Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and as "One with" God and the True Disciple within Him within you, as the Triple Flame of God within God within you, and then God will do "Everything Else" to make your life truly successful in your lifetime.

Bawa. And in this way, and only in this way, End all of your silliness on the "outside" of you, and within you, and at the same time, Start to establish the Exaltedness of Your Life within you, and for a little while the Exaltedness of Your Life on the "outside" of you, for as "We" taught you when "We" were living in the world,

          "You cannot put something down unless you are also picking something else


          "Nothing will ever truly leave you until it is Understood, for in truth that is the
          purpose for it being there in the first place, for Understanding to occur".


          "For the "Child of Darkness" to leave you the "Child of Light" must be coming
          forward from within you, from within the "Child of Darkness" within you, so as they
          pass, like two ships passing in the night, in the "night of your life", one leaving
          and the other coming forward, wisdom can extract "The Understanding of God"
          from the Contrast, an Understanding that has no Contrast, because God has no
          Contrast. Such is the true Exaltedness of Your life, and within that Exaltedness
          is God.  Amen"

Bawa. Such is the true "Exaltedness of Your Life", My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with You, and with Us), when "you" as "separate from" leaves, as "You" as "One with" comes Forward, and within that is God, all of which has absolutely nothing to do with what you and My Children are currently doing on the "outside" of you, with your current life of "separation and differences", on the illusory "outside" of you.

Bawa. For in truth, one is the flower of hell within you, with the fragrance and taste of hell within you, and the Other is the Flower of God within God within you, with the Fragrance and Taste of God within God within you.

Bawa.  And the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice of which Flower you let grow within you, for one is nourishing the lives of darkness and evil within you, which is your current state, which is the current "Child of Darkness" within you, and the Other is nourishing all of the Lives of God "Within God" within you, which is the "Child of Light" which can grow within God within you, if you like, that is, if you truly join in partnership with God within you, to grow the "Child of Light" within God within you, that is, if you first join as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) on the "outside" of you, to become Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and in this way, become "One with" God within Him, and with the True Disciple or True Man within God. Ok?.

Bawa.  For in truth, one is the flower of hell that has grown within you in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, like weeds growing in God's Flower Garden, gradually pushing out everything of true value, replacing it with the "Glitters of darkness", with the dream of illusion on the "outside" of you, and with the "very real but false" current inside of you, which are all of the lives of darkness and evil that have grown within you, and that now rule over you as the 9 openings of your elemental body, as the co-operative store of the 5 elemental ruhanies or spirits within you, for their profit, not yours.

Bawa. And the Other is the "Great Potential of God" within you, is the 'Extraordinary Process" that can occur within you, when "you" are truly done with your current state, not because you want the next state within you, but rather because now you are ready, now you are ready to both hear and to either accept or reject the truth of you, and the truth of God within you.

Bawa.  That is, for you to either join with God within you or not, to let God finish what God has started within you, or not, that is, to join with God within the Creation of God within you, which is what Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) represents now for you and My Children, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to let God within you, plow "you" under with the Enlightening Words of the Qutbiyyat, and plant the "Seed of Allahu" within you, watering it with "La illaha Ill Allahu Muhammadar Rasul Allah", with the Tap Root of the Tree of God within you becoming "La illaha Ill Allahu" and the Tree of God within you becoming
"Muhammadar Rasul Allah".

Bawa. That is, becoming "God's Tree" within you, if you like, with the Trunk of Iman, with the Branches of the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God, and with the Fruits of the "Pearl of Wisdom" of God for your age, and for your life, which in truth are the 6,666 verses of the Holy Qur'an, both within you, and for a little while again on the "outside" of you, if you like. Amen.

Bawa.  And the Choice is yours, not God's. Amen.

Bawa. Or instead, for you and My Children to keep trying to do 'business as usual" on the illusory "outside" of you, trying to somehow connect the two, that is, to connect the "Child of Darkness" and the "Child of Light", so you and My Children somehow don't have to give up the "Child of Darkness", and his illusory life of sin, of selfishness, of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of you, all of which "Will Never Work", and all of which in truth is just "Saying No" to God, No to what God is, within you, No to what God is doing, within God within you, No to why God created you, No to the truth of you and to the truth of God within you, and No to why God created everyone and everything in the 18,000 universes, both within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you.

Bawa. That is, to try and connect the "Child of Darkness", which has to leave, with the "Child of Light" which has to Come Forward, that is, to Come Forward from within the "Child of Darkness" within you, like a apple seed dying so the apple tree can live.

Bawa.  That is, with you and My Children trying to save the "Child Darkness" by giving the "Child of Darkness" something to do, for example, like something better to do, anything, rather than leave, all of which is just a reflection of your ignorance and your arrogance about your ignorance, that is, of your ignorance and your arrogance about "you", that is, about "Who you are?", and about "Where you are", and about "What is happening" in your life, all of which as you currently let it be defined for you, through your mind and desire, is "Just Not True".

Bawa.  For in truth you are all about God within you, and about what is "Within God" within you, and all about what "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing the "Child of Light" within the "Child of Darkness", so Understanding can occur, through Contrast, and as that Understanding, You can return to God, from whom You have Come. Ok?

Bawa.  In this way, the whole point of your life, and of the Child of Darkness that has now grown within you, and now lives as you, as "separate from" on the illusory "outside" of you, and about the "Child of Light" hidden within the "Child of Darkness", is not about you, but rather is about You, that is, about God within you, and "Who God is" within you, and "Where God is" within you, and "What God is doing", with what is "Within God" within you, and this is the whole point of you, and of the Child of Darkness, and the "Child of Light" within the Child of Darkness, which is Your Exaltedness, and God within Your Exaltedness. Ok?

Bawa.  So you giving the "Child of Darkness" something to do, so the "Child of Darkness" won't have to leave, is missing the whole point of Everything, not helping the "Child of Darkness" or helping anyone else, for Example, like getting the "Child of Darkness to become good, or do prayers, or do duty, or become wise, or become a mother or father, or raise a family, or help manage a fellowship, or publish books, or have an important job, or help people, or help children, or help the environment, or help the whales, or endangered species, or the poor, or the homeless, or people who are sick, or lonely, or unhappy, or afraid, or anything, all of which is truly of "No Value", no value to you, no value to the "Child of Darkness", and of no value to anyone or anything, and that is the truth.

Bawa.  For in truth You are the Spring of God's Grace that if just waiting to be opened by standing in "God's Presence", a "Presence" and a "Grace", and within that, a Wisdom, and an Ilm, or a Divine Knowledge, which will cure everyone and everything of all that is wrong with them, not only in this world, but in all of the 18,000 universes, for eternity, and which in truth will "Save God" within you, so in the End, "No Child Is Left Behind", that in the End, there is nothing still "separating God" from God within you, so in the End, God gets to Complete what He started within you, a very, very long time ago, God gets to Finish telling and bringing to Completion the Story of God within You.

Bawa. That is, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within You, God gets to reveal God to God within You, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within You, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, including your wife, and your children, and your students, and your family, and your friends, and someday, your GrandChildren, and your Great GrandChildren, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, which is truth is Everyone and Everything within God within You. Ok?

Bawa. May God grant you and My Children the Grace, Wisdom, and Ilm, to do it like this, for you, for your wife, and daughter, and son, and for this child, and for the wife, daughters, sons, husbands, and grandchildren of this child, and for the all of the wives, husbands, sons, daughters, grandchildren, and Great GrandChildren of all of your brothers and sisters of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, in America, in Canada, in South America, in Europe, in England, in the Middle East, in the Far East, in Australia, and in New Zealand, and in the North and South Pole, and in the 18,000 Universes. Amen.

Bawa. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children. May God be pleased with all of My Children. Amen.

Bawa. Please give "Our" love and salams to all of My Children. Please tell them that
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) loves them very, very much, and that they are always in "Our" prayers. Amen.

Bawa. And as always, please join as "One with" Us within you, and as "One with" God within "Us", to share this sharing with them, and "We" will do the same. Amen.

Bawa. My love you - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

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Spiritual Letter 125
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This page was last updated on: March 13, 2007